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Captain America; The Armageddon Factor (Two Reviews Together)
Genre: American Nationalism, Canadian Nationalism, Church History, Human RIghts, New Testament Theology, Sociology, Theology
Subjects: Politics, Theology
Subjects: Politics, Theology
Baseless: My Search for Secrets in the Ruins of the Freedom of Information Act
Subjects: Biowarfare, deplorably evil, hypocrisy
They Will Inherit the Earth: Peace and Nonviolence in a Time of Climate Change with Author John Dear
A Gentler God: Breaking Free of the Almighty in the Company of the Human Jesus
Genre: Theology
Subjects: (bad) theology, atheism, church history, evangelicalism, hell, missions, New Testament, Prodigal Son, Restorative Justice, self, spirituality
Subjects: (bad) theology, atheism, church history, evangelicalism, hell, missions, New Testament, Prodigal Son, Restorative Justice, self, spirituality
A Farewell to Mars
Subjects: Empire, evangelicalism, forgiveness, fundamentalism, Nationalism, New Testament, peace, peace theology, Politics
The Fall of the Prison
Genre: Christian politics, Church History, criminology, Death penalty, Human RIghts, New Testament Theology, peace, peacemaking, prisons, Restorative Justice, Retributive Justice, Theology
Subjects: death penalty, evangelicalism, judgment, peace, peace theology, Politics, Restorative Justice, Retributive Justice
Subjects: death penalty, evangelicalism, judgment, peace, peace theology, Politics, Restorative Justice, Retributive Justice
The Executed God
Genre: American Nationalism, Christian politics, Church History, executions, Human RIghts, Missions Theology, New Testament Theology, peace, peacemaking, prisons, Restorative Justice, Retributive Justice, the death penalty
Subjects: (bad) theology, capital punishment, death penalty, Empire, forgiveness, judgment, Nationalism, New Testament, peace, peace theology, Politics, prisons, Restorative Justice, Retributive Justice
Subjects: (bad) theology, capital punishment, death penalty, Empire, forgiveness, judgment, Nationalism, New Testament, peace, peace theology, Politics, prisons, Restorative Justice, Retributive Justice
The Biblical Revelation of the Cross
Subjects: (bad) theology, atonement, evangelicalism, forgiveness, hell, judgment, New Testament, peace, Restorative Justice
Solving Hell
Subjects: (bad) theology, fatwa, fundamentalism, hell, judgment, New Testament, peace, peace theology, Restorative Justice
Francis Schaeffer and the Shaping of Evangelical America
Genre: biography, Church History, Missions Theology
Subjects: (bad) theology, Empire, evangelicalism, fundamentalism, missions, Nationalism, Politics
Subjects: (bad) theology, Empire, evangelicalism, fundamentalism, missions, Nationalism, Politics
Christian Anarchy
Genre: Christian politics, politics, Retributive Justice, Theology
Subjects: Anarchy, Creation, Nationalism, Politics, Theology
Subjects: Anarchy, Creation, Nationalism, Politics, Theology
Beyond Retribution
Genre: Human RIghts, New Testament Theology, Restorative Justice
Subjects: New Testament, Restorative Justice, Retributive Justice
Subjects: New Testament, Restorative Justice, Retributive Justice
No Future Without Forgiveness
Genre: Human RIghts, Restorative Justice, South African apartheid
Subjects: forgiveness, Restorative Justice, Theology, Ubuntu
Subjects: forgiveness, Restorative Justice, Theology, Ubuntu
Views: 144