July 17, 2016

Canadian Friends of Sabeel

July 17, 2016

image above: from Sabeel website

Below is representative of what you can find on the website linked here. Justice is denied to Palestinians in myriad ways by the modern state of Israel.

Twelve years ago (July 9), the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an advisory opinion at the request of the United Nations General Assembly on the legality of the wall Israel has constructed in the West Bank. The ICJ affirmed that all of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are “occupied Palestinian territory”, and that Israel’s wall, as well as its settlements, violate the Fourth Geneva Convention. Israel continues to ignore the opinion of ICJ.

  • Lord, the construction of the Wall continues and Israel’s restrictions on Palestinians have only intensified. We pray that Israel will stop treating international law with such disdain. Lord in your mercy…

Following more than a decade of lawsuits, the Israeli high court ruled in May last year that the state is legally authorized to demolish the Arab villages of Atir and neighboring Umm al-Hiran in the Negev. Atir will become an extension of the planted forest of the Jewish Settllment of Yatir, while Umm al-Hiran will become the Jewish settlement of “Hiran.” Israel is in preparation to demolish the two villages.

  • Lord God, the courts did not deliver justice and betrayed the people. Today children play in the fields of Umm Al Hiran and Atir with fear it will be their last games in their villages. Neighbors and friends are drinking coffee that might be their last gathering under the trees of their villages. We pray for the steadfastness of the people of the villages and for the brave prophetic voices that they will be loud and not allow the villages to be destroyed. Lord in your mercy…

The Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee has approved a bill mandating prison terms for anyone who dissuades Christian Arabs from volunteering for military service, or persuades them to desert once they’ve joined. The Knesset has also passed the the so-called “NGO bill” by 57 – 48. The law mandates special reporting requirements for nongovernmental organizations that get most of their funding from foreign governments, and, according to critics, disproportionately targets human rights organizations.

  • Lord, you blessed the peacemakers, and promised they shall be called your children; dear God, you blessed those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, and promised them your kingdom of heaven. To live in your kingdom and be your children comes with a price, a price we pray we will be faithful and brave to pay. Lord in your mercy…

The results of the Tawjihi (National exam for Palestinian students completing 12th grade) are out with outstanding performance in comparison to previous years. Tawjihi exams are a source of incredible pressure for students and their families, as the students’ admission to university is dependent on how well they perform. 1061 Palestinian prisoners are currently sitting for Tawjihi inside Israeli military jails.

  • We pray for the thousands of young people who are celebrating their achievement and we remember the students who did not reach their target grades. May the students of Palestine use their education to better their communities and to strengthen the society in which they live. Lord in your mercy…

  • We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela. Lord, in your mercy…

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