November 22, 2022 Editor

At last!: Trump finally starts bleeding evangelical support—but this time no one thinks it’s the stigmata

Aldous J Pennyfarthing for Community Contributors Team

November 18, 2022

image above: A group of 25 evangelical pastors and leaders met and prayed with President Trump amid Democrats’ second impeachment push. (Official White House Photo by Joyce Boghosian)

WN: While the White American Evangelical support bleeds away, the residue is a monstrous rise of Christian Nationalism . . .

As to the line below,

We had to close our mouths and eyes when he said things that horrified us. I cannot do that anymore.,

this is all just a tad late!–like 7 years so! . . .

Pandora’s Box has burst open, and the Ultimate World Clown like a Jack-in-the-box has for that number of years smeared himself across World Consciousness, and let loose behind him a vast throng of screaming demons, that not all the king’s horses and men can put back down again . . .


The marriage between Donald Trump and right-wing evangelicals was—like all of Trump’s marriages, and the tuxedos he wore to the weddings—a really bad fit. Evangelicals purport to live their lives according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, but it turns out there’s some wiggle room there. For instance, you can easily get dispensation for dozens of alleged sexual assaults if you nominate a gropey lush of a Supreme Court justice who promises to force 11-year-olds to give birth to their rapists’ babies.

Googling “Trump” and “evangelicals” used to serve up pages of stories about right-wing Christians worshiping their new golden beluga calf. Yet after announcing his intention to ruin everyone’s lives run for president again, Trump has seen much of his once-rock-solid support erode like Don Jr.’s septum at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory and Subterranean Cocaine-Processing Facility.

With Trump’s power diluted, those cultish search results are yielding to some disturbing auguries for the ochre abomination.

For instance, there’s this, from The Washington Post:

A televangelist who served as a spiritual adviser to Donald Trump says the former president has the tendency to act “like a little elementary schoolchild” and suggests that Trump’s focus on minor spats was preventing progress on larger goals.

“If Mr. Trump can’t stop his little petty issues, how does he expect people to stop major issues?” James Robison, the president of the Christian group Life Outreach International, said Wednesday night at a meeting of the National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL), a conservative political group that focuses on social issues.


His audience included dozens of Republican state legislators from across the country gathered in a hotel ballroom. At first they listened attentively as Robison began his address, nodding and showing support with a frequent “yes” and “amen.”

[Evangelical leader Dr. Mike] Evans—who The Jerusalem Post notes “helped mobilize the Evangelical vote for Trump that won him the 2016 election” and “also supported the former president in the 2020 election”—also published an essay Thursday in The Washington Post in which he wrote, “Donald Trump can’t save America. He can’t even save himself. He used us to win the White House. We had to close our mouths and eyes when he said things that horrified us. I cannot do that anymore.”

D’oh! Well, that’s not good … for Trump, anyway.

Trump’s staunchest ex-allies are reluctant to hop on Trump’s Hades-bound bandwagon—not because he’s a terrible person whose values are antithetical to everything Christians claim to stand for. Nah. It’s because the one thing Jesus can’t forgive is being a big loser with big loser stink lines pouring off your big loser corpus.

Please click on: Trump finally starts bleeding evangelical support

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Wayne Northey was Director of Man-to-Man/Woman-to-Woman – Restorative Christian Ministries (M2/W2) in British Columbia, Canada from 1998 to 2014, when he retired. He has been active in the criminal justice arena and a keen promoter of Restorative Justice since 1974. He has published widely on peacemaking and justice themes. You will find more about that on this website: a work in progress.

Always appreciate constructive feedback! Thanks.