August 2, 2020

RJWorld eConference, August 22 – 31, 2020: David Milgaard & Wayne Northey

RJ World 2020 was a 17-day (extended 7 days) online showcase of more than 100 inspiring presenters from around the world – facilitators / practitioners / teachers / researchers / artists – who are passionate about sharing insights and ideas in the realm of restorative justice and restorative practices in all sectors.

WN: David Milgaard recruited me to co-present with him at this online Conference. (David spent 23 years in prison in Canada for a murder he did not commit.)

The Conference was an event for workers, volunteers, and those interested anywhere in the Restorative/Transformative Justice/Justice fields. It drew 100 presenters from 20 c0untries, 700 registrants from 50 countries.

For general information please click on: RJWorld eConference

A complete list of of speakers with brief biographies, and their viewable presentations may be accessed by clicking on RJWorld eConference 2020 Speakers.

The video presented at the Conference is below, done over Zoom (David in Cochrane Alberta, I in Agassiz BC):

Please also see below a brief video that was part of a collage of farewells from presenters at the eConference. It was shown August 31, 2020.

That little novel mediation program (Victim Offender Reconciliation Project–VORP–was first dubbed a “Project” due to its initial experimental nature) in response to crime, mentioned in the video with David–begun in Kitchener 1975, of which I became second Director in 1977–significantly helped put Restorative Justice on the World Map! It’s been a personal great journey ever since!

Finally: below is the 19-minute video of all 11 farewells. Very powerful!

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