May 17, 2017

Help Build a Strong Canadian Anti-Poverty Plan

Consultations to inform the Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy (CPRS) have begun! 

For the first time, the federal government is now ready to develop a national poverty reduction strategy.

Make sure your voice is heard! Sign our Dignity for All form! 

On February 13th, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Jean-Yves Duclos, launched consultations for the CPRS. The government consultation process features opportunities for members of the public to share ideas and respond to questions that will inform the development of the national strategy, including a discussion forum, individual and organizational surveys, and a story sharing forum. Consultations end on June 30th.

Use CPJ’s resources to help guide an understanding of the framework and policies that should be part of a national strategy and to help your communities engage in the consultation process. (For printed copies of the CPRS resources, contact Darlene: [email protected])

Policy Recommendations

Faith Community Resources

 Take action and have your voice heard!

As people of faith and justice, it is time to stand in solidarity with those who carry the burden of poverty and call out for a strategy that will improve the lives of millions of people across Canada.

Let’s make sure the Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy is strong, accountable, and promotes the dignity of all people. 

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