August 10, 2021 Editor

Earth’s climate outlook grim but not hopeless, faith leaders say

Aug 10, 2021

by Brian Roewe


photo above: A girl in Falmouth, Britain, plays with sand during a climate protest June 11. (CNS/Reuters/Tom Nicholson) 

WN: Hopeful indeed! Jesus would say: Faith communities arise!


Grim but not hopeless. A foreboding future but the potential for a better one, if immediate, systemic and sustainable action is taken. An urgent need to adapt to increasingly extreme weather. And a key role for faith communities in all of it.

Those were among the responses of religious groups and their allies to Monday’s major report on climate science from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The U.N. panel warned that within just over a decade the average global temperature could reach 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels — a critical threshold at which scientists say irreversible changes in ecosystems will occur, putting millions of people at risk.

Even if greenhouse gas emissions were drastically reduced immediately, the planet would still be likely to reach the 1.5 mark sometime in the 2030s because of the heat-trapping emissions already released into the atmosphere.

To get there, [climate scientist Veerabhadran Ramanathan, a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and professor of oceanography at the Scripps Observatory at the University of California San Diego], said the world can’t depend on leaders alone. A “massive public outcry for action” is also needed, particularly in the United States, and he believes religious traditions “have a huge role to play.”

The Rev. Fletcher Harper agrees.

But as the executive director of the multifaith climate organization GreenFaith scanned coverage of the IPCC report, he winced at the doomsday angle that many stories took. Harper knows climate change presents an emergency to humanity, and that much must be done quickly to avoid mass catastrophe. But for him, the takeaway wasn’t the end times the climate problem presents, but the good news that solutions represent.

“To me, the conundrum behind so much of this is that so many of those changes are possible and good,” he told EarthBeat. “Everybody frets as if these changes represent the end of living well, when, in fact, the opposite is true. This is our pathway to a positive future.”

“What religious communities need to do is to say we find hope in action on this,” Harper said, adding that this can include raising awareness about climate science or lobbying for stronger responses from society. “No more words. We know what needs to be done. Hope will come from action.”

Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago told EarthBeat in an emailed comment that the IPCC report reflected what Pope Francis wrote in his encyclical “Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home,” which said, “Doomsday predictions can no longer be met with irony or disdain. … The effects of the present imbalance can only be reduced by our decisive action, here and now. We need to reflect on our accountability before those who will have to endure the dire consequences.”

Caroline Kiiru, biodiversity and climate manager for the Laudato Si’ Movement, shared that thought, saying the IPCC report provides further evidence of the human influence on the Earth that Francis described in his 2015 social encyclical.

“We cannot bury our heads in the sand and say this is not happening. So this document really reiterates the conversations that have already existed. It is a call to action, if anything else, for us to stand up and start doing better,” she said.

Reflecting on the report, Dan Misleh, executive director of Catholic Climate Covenant, was reminded of the Book of Exodus, in which Moses repeatedly confronts Pharaoh with dire predictions of looming plagues that ultimately emerge.

“It feels like that’s what’s happening with these regular IPCC reports. They say, ‘Hey, this is bad. We need to start working on this. This is getting worse,'” Misleh said.

“I’m hoping that this is yet another wake-up call. And there’s this glimmer of hope in the IPCC report that we could still make it to the promised land if we do all the things necessary to drop emissions, stop deforestation and all the rest,” he added.

Lydia Lehlogonolo Machaka, energy and climate officer for the Catholic development network CIDSE, said the report puts urgency around climate change back on the international agenda.

For more than a year, global attention has focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, which persists as countries race to vaccinate amid emerging new variant waves of the virus. But the report, Machaka said, is a reminder that climate change did not go away in the midst of the pandemic, as evidenced by wildfires in California, Greece and Turkey, and major flooding in Europe and China. And it’s another reminder of the importance of scientific research.

Specifically, faith activists said governments must:

  • Commit to ending funding of new fossil fuel projects;
  • Make 1.5 C the primary target;
  • Limit biodiversity loss alongside climate efforts;
  • Include Indigenous peoples and other groups highly vulnerable to climate change in negotiations;
  • Provide climate financing to developing nations, especially to help them adapt to the impacts of climate change.

“This has been agreed to for many years. All they need to do is to implement,” Machaka said.

Ahead of COP26, faith groups have organized numerous campaigns to press governmental officials to take bolder, immediate action on climate change.

On Oct. 4, [Pope] Francis will host leaders of world religions and scientists at the Vatican to draft a statement to government leaders calling for greater global commitment to climate action at COP26. On Oct. 17-18, the GreenFaith-organized “Faith for Climate Justice” event will feature two days of public actions urging governments, banks and other groups with power to do more to address climate change.

The Laudato Si’ Movement continues to collect signatures on its “Healthy People, Healthy Planet” petition, which it intends to deliver to negotiators at COP26, and Catholic Climate Covenant is also gathering support to urge President Joe Biden and Congress to pass substantial climate legislation this year.

Ramanathan, who has been invited to attend the Vatican gathering, said that because Christianity is the predominant faith in the U.S., churches, with teachings like Laudato Si’ in hand, can take the lead in breaking through the nation’s polarization, including around climate change.

“They can play a huge role in resilience. And they can play a huge role in getting the public to pay attention. And I think it has to start from America,” he said.

While Harper believes faith communities can be powerful catalysts on climate, he said they must also realize there are groups in each religious tradition, in the U.S. and elsewhere, that are resistant to taking on climate change and environmental issues.

“We’re not quite yet at the level of being the powerful, unified choir that we need to be. And we need those voices now,” he said.

Please click on: Faith Communities Arise!

Views: 146


Wayne Northey was Director of Man-to-Man/Woman-to-Woman – Restorative Christian Ministries (M2/W2) in British Columbia, Canada from 1998 to 2014, when he retired. He has been active in the criminal justice arena and a keen promoter of Restorative Justice since 1974. He has published widely on peacemaking and justice themes. You will find more about that on this website: a work in progress.

Comments (2)

  1. David Milgaard

    Wayne…Really enjoyed reading this and how hope and action are remedy!

    • Thanks David!

      In St. Paul’s day, Hope in Greek tragedy was a Trickster. It was also the only entity that stayed in Pandora’s Box. It could have the pessimistic meaning of “deceptive expectation.” Just as Fortune seemed to smile, everything seemed to be looking up, things could/would too often suddenly go south.

      Over against that, St. Paul writes (Romans 5):

      2 And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

      The “does not put us to shame” is also translated as “does not disappoint.” We however don’t “rest on our laurels.” We have the hard work to do! But Saint Paul says this kind of Hope, unlike the Trickster, is firm; is a Keeper. And elsewhere (I Corinthians 13), Hope is one of the three abiding/enduring/Theological Virtues.

      Thus endeth the sermon!

Always appreciate constructive feedback! Thanks.