March 2015

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President George W. Bush (right) announces his $74.7 billion wartime supplemental budget request in the Pentagon on March 25, 2003, as Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld (center) and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz look on.  Bush visited the Pentagon to meet with the senior defense leadership and to announce the supplemental request which, once appropriated by Congress, will pay for the direct costs of the Iraqi conflict and the global war against terror.  DoD photo by R.D. Ward.  (Released)
030325-D-9880W-079 President George W. Bush (right) announces his $74.7 billion wartime supplemental budget request in the Pentagon on March 25, 2003, as Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld (center) and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz look on. Bush visited the Pentagon to meet with the senior defense leadership and to announce the supplemental request which, once appropriated by Congress, will pay for the direct costs of the Iraqi conflict and the global war against terror. DoD photo by R.D. Ward. (Released)
30 Mar 2015

Who Are the War Criminals?

WN: Another now-and-then article. An excerpt: In Errol Morris’ 2003 film, The Fog of War, former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert S.…